Sarah is a banker and was looking for support as she was in a bit of pickle, doing a job she didn’t like, working for a boss she couldn’t get along with, resulting in overall unhappiness that had an impact on her mental and physical state. It’s actually quite difficult for most people to know when you are deeply unhappy and what causes it as it’s commonly a pattern that has been building for a long time and slowly grinds in a downward spiral. In Sarah’s case it turned out that there was a deep ongoing unconscious battle between what she believed success looks like, what she thought about herself and what her purpose in life really was at that moment in time.
Early childhood impact
We explored parts of her unconscious programming and the relationship with her manager. It appeared a sports coach at the age of 4-5 told Sarah that she wasn’t good enough, resulting in Sarah putting a lot of stress on herself. This early age experience resulted in Sarah as adult giving her power away to her manager, working in an industry and job she really didn’t want to be in, but it looked so good on her CV.
Stepping into your power
Over the next sessions both in person and remotely, Sarah was able to identify her strengths, match this with her purpose, understand the road ahead to align her career with this purpose, find a more aligned job and boost her confidence both inside and outside of the workplace.
It’s breakthroughs like these where I get such a kick from, supporting powerful people to understand what part of their subconscious programming is blocking their power and help them find a way to step into their power and align themselves with their bigger meaning and purpose.
In Sarah's words:
Gido helped me overcome my limiting beliefs and helped me to believe in myself again which really accelerated my career. You are the best!
Early childhood impact
We explored parts of her unconscious programming and the relationship with her manager. It appeared a sports coach at the age of 4-5 told Sarah that she wasn’t good enough, resulting in Sarah putting a lot of stress on herself. This early age experience resulted in Sarah as adult giving her power away to her manager, working in an industry and job she really didn’t want to be in, but it looked so good on her CV.
Stepping into your power
Over the next sessions both in person and remotely, Sarah was able to identify her strengths, match this with her purpose, understand the road ahead to align her career with this purpose, find a more aligned job and boost her confidence both inside and outside of the workplace.
It’s breakthroughs like these where I get such a kick from, supporting powerful people to understand what part of their subconscious programming is blocking their power and help them find a way to step into their power and align themselves with their bigger meaning and purpose.
In Sarah's words:
Gido helped me overcome my limiting beliefs and helped me to believe in myself again which really accelerated my career. You are the best!